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Invisalign VS Braces-What You Need to Know

Chances are that when you were younger, there were limited options for straightening or aligning your teeth. The only choice was to either have metal braces put on, or not be treated. Luckily, thanks to Invisalign, these days people do have choices and options as more and more people are looking for alternatives to metal braces to straighten their teeth.

However, there is a lot of information out there, and sometimes the choice between traditional metal braces and Invisalign can be confusing to people. We've found that the best way to clear up any confusion is to ask questions, research and educate yourself.

It is important to sort out what procedure will work for your lifestyle. We've put together a list of the most important Pros and Cons for Invisalign versus Traditional Metal Braces to help you figure out which method is the best fit for your lifestyle:

Invisalign VS Braces-What You Need to Know

Braces Pros:

-Straightens teeth and helps with a wide variety of oral corrections

-Traditional method, very well-known

-Cost is similar to Invisalign

Braces Cons:

-Visible to the patient and others

-Cannot eat certain foods or drink certain drinks

-Painful wires can cut into the lip and cheek

-Frequent orthodontic visits are needed for check-ups and tightening or loosening for the wires

-Brushing and Flossing is altered, not allowing the same type of cleaning

Invisalign Pros:

-Virtually invisible clear mouth pieces

-Aligners can be taken in and out easily and comfortably

-No food restrictions

-Straightens Teeth

-Can brush and floss easily as usual

Invisalign Cons:

-Cost is similar to traditional metal braces

-Not every patient is a candidate for Invisalign treatment. This should be determined by your dentist.

Before making any decisions about your oral health, we greatly recommend that you speak to a cosmetic dental professional. If you're considering straightening or aligning your teeth to complete your smile, contact Dr. Matthew, DDS, MICOI at South Bay Smiles today: (310) 670-0659
